The video I watched for our Interactive Learning Design; which is study habits to improve performance on test, was “7 Study Habits of Successful & Effective Students” by Ellen Kelley ( This almost 12 minute video focuses on tips to improve preparation for tests to improve efficiency in order to achieve test result goals.
The best and most useful way that a student could respond to this video would be to take notes on each study habit. I would recommend making a sticky note for each habit with small points on each habit. These sticky notes placed around your study area could be friendly reminders on how to help yourself.
This video is useful because Ellen Kelley provides the study habit one at a time and follows up with what works best for her, which may not be for everyone but worth trying. She suggestions on how to achieve the habit in the best way possible, this includes methods, techniques and incorporates apps that are useful and how to navigate the app. She also provides reasoning as to why the study habits and methods are useful.
I think this video could have been designated to generate an actual activity for students to partake in. This could have been done with a quiz or questionnaire to follow up on their study habits, and giving feedback on which study habits are best for you. And then followed by this could be a report of what other students believe are the best study habits for themselves, so you, as a student are able to compare and expand ideas on study habits.
To ensure to incorporate an inclusive learning design, I would address the potential barriers by including closed captions for those hard of hearing. Adding closed captions helps for those to follow along with the video via reading subtitles. I would also provide a break down of the video on either a document each student could access or a hard copy. This would encourage students to follow along as well as add their own notes or ideas they have along the way.